
Development blog

Web update

Hey guys, the web update is finally here 🥳 You can now play Wolvesville on a PC by going to:


The game is cross-platform compatible, so you will be able to sign in with the same account as on mobile 🤓

The complete list of changes in this update:

  • Wolvesville available on PC / web
  • Various visual updates, such as a nicer role reveal animation, new background pattern, fading day / night cycles in game, etc.
  • More avatar slots (24 total!) with reduced rose prices
  • Cupid can select a new lover during the first night if one of the lovers flees
  • New starter pack with two huge kitten hats
  • One new daily reward outfit: sauna
  • Reworked the Rabbit girl outfit
  • 5 small web Easter eggs
  • Option for filtering equipped talismans in inventory
  • Option to enter custom rose amount directly in game when sending multiple roses
  • Favourite emojis are synchronised with the server, so login / logout won’t delete favourites anymore

Please see below for a bit more in depth info about these changes and also for a sneak peek at what’s to come in the next few weeks / months.

Happy hunting! 🐺

Wolvesville on PC

This one took a bit longer than expected 😅 We were able to build the first very rough version of Wolvesville web within 1-2 weeks really (thank you React Native Web developers, you rock!). Sure, this first version of Wolvesville had a few bugs here and there and looked like someone started a phone emulator on a PC, but it worked.

All the remaining time went into converting our mobile portrait game into a landscape PC game which meant overhauling most layouts. Below are some screenshot of the new dashboard, inventory and game layouts.

New dashboard layout

New inventory layout

New game layout

One nice feature of the web version is that the friends and clan chat is always available and can be accessed from any screen (except in-game).

Wolvesville loading screen

Visual updates

These include:

  • A new game language chooser which is integrated into the button itself
  • Role reveal shows high resolution role image after animation and has a new background pattern
  • Option in inventory to preview day / night versions of a background
  • Fading between day / night background in game

New role reveal

More avatar slots

The limit of avatar slots has been doubled, going from 12 slots to now 24 slots max. Additionally, the price for slots has been decreased to 25 roses for the first slot, going up for each slot you buy 🌹 If you have already unlocked avatar slots in the past, the price for your next slot will also start at 25 roses, so everyone will benefit from this update.

Celebrating the release of Wolvesville web

To celebrate the release of Wolvesville web various outfits / items have been released, including 5 small Easter eggs …

Web Easter eggs

… a limited clan quest …

Clan outfit and a new sale outfit 🐰 👚

Sale outfit

Oh, and an outfit rework (rabbit girl) and a new daily reward outfit (sauna) have been added! 🥳

Rabbit girl outfit Sauna outfit

Okay great, what’s next?

There are 2 big updates planned for the near-ish future:

  • The quality update 🛠️
  • The roles update 🎭

The quality update will focus on the … quality of Wolvesville and will focus on bringing in some long requested features into the game as well as solving some long-standing bugs. We’re still collecting feedback, but to give a rough idea of where things are headed, we want to at least focus on these things:

  • Speed, primarily by reducing the amount of data that’s being sent over the network and by (possibly) hosting servers in additional regions for faster access 🏃
  • Trolling: we want to experiment with stuff (super secret stuff 🤐) to combat the increase of trolls and bots in the community.
  • Ranked leagues: our current league setup is very conservative and favours short wait times over having different open leagues, which most days leads to all ranked players playing in a single league (with little wait times). We want to experiment with a system where players will have to wait longer to join a game, but are then paired with other players that are similar in skill 🏆
  • Fleeing during 1st night … is super annoying for everyone. We want to try creating a system where other players can join and take up the place of a fleeing player such that the game can continue normally as if the original player had never left.
  • Role balancing: this is on the soft TODO list, we’ll have to check how the other tasks go. The goal here is to balance some roles such a zombie which are in bitter need of a nerf ⚖️
  • … and many smaller tasks which aren’t mentioned here. Make sure to check out the Wolvesville Discord server for an upcoming #vote on various feedback items! ❤️

Unlike the Wolvesville and the web update, the quality update will be released bit by bit whenever new features have been implemented 💪

We won’t yet say too much about the roles update simply because there are still many open questions. It will however (unsurprisingly) contain a large number of new roles and very likely give you an option to upgrade roles over time (before you ask, “no”, gunner will not get a 3rd bullet 😁 upgrades are not supposed to change the balance of the game).

If you have any feedback or just want to stop by and chat, please make sure to visit our Discord server at https://discord.gg/wolvesville 😊

Thank you for reading and happy hunting! 🐺