
Development blog

Killer Update

Killer update banner

Hey guys, it is time for the killer update. This update focuses primarily on ranked games 🏆 The highlights are:

  • New ranked leaderboards, dedicated ranked challenges and anonymous games
  • Reputation: replaces the “win requirements” system for game modes
  • New role: blight!
  • Game logs: analyze the logs of your recently played games
  • Drafting: new crazy game mode!

Want the details? Read on!

Ranked leaderboards

Ranked leaderboards

While the global leaderboard for ranked games still exists, there are now also language specific leaderboards with multiple sub-leaderboards. These include:

  • All season: ranking within a particular language over the entire season
  • By gender
  • By level: compares you to players which have a similar level than you
  • By number of ranked seasons played
  • By account age in days
  • By win rate

Which language leaderboard applies to you depends on in which language you play the most ranked games. Only one language will apply to you.

You need to have at least two wins in a season to be visible on any leaderboard.

Ranked, ranked and more ranked changes

  • Ranked challenges: unsurprisingly, these challenges apply to ranked games only and are given out randomly when you are actively playing ranked games.
  • The “vote to start” option has been disabled in ranked games to favor more balanced setups
  • Anonymous games: to help combat targeting and create a more relaxed environment overall, players in ranked games are now completely anonymous. This means usernames and outfits are randomized. Reporting players still works as usual.
  • Ranked seasons now last roughly one month and will start at midnight on the first of each month and last until midnight at the end of each month. The first day of each month will have no ranked games and is used to give out awards and reset the season. Ranked seasons were shortened to make climbing leaderboards more exciting and have the ranked season schedule roughly match the battle pass season schedule.



Since its inception Wolvesville has used “number of wins” as a requirement to join more advanced game modes such sandbox, ranked, etc. The number of wins required has gone down and up multiple times over the years, always in an attempt to keep out the trolls while making games accessible to everybody.

The killer update introduces a new metric that will replace this old system: reputation. New players start with a base reputation of 50. The highest is 100, the lowest 0. Reputation increases automatically when you play games, give roses or join hero games. The amount of reputation you can gain per day is capped, so it takes a while to go up. The higher your reputation, the more game modes you can join.

Reputation goes down if you flee, get banned or otherwise misbehave in-game, but will increase again over time if a player plays and behaves normally.

If you are an “old” player your reputation will automatically be set to a value higher than 50 based on the number of wins, so you can play the same game modes as before without having to wait for your reputation to increase.



Each night you can infect a player. Infection spreads to any informer checking an infect player or to players revealing the role of an infected player. You can kill all infected players during the discussion phase. Players are informed when they are infected.

Blight is a new advanced role of corruptor

Game logs

Game logs

You have asked for this many times, and now it is finally here, game logs! Click on “Settings” –> “Game logs” to review your 10 most recently played games. You can even view the logs for other teams, for example as a villager you can see what the werewolves were discussing at night.

Also, if you came across a troll but didn’t have time to report that player before the game ended, you can report these players from the logs as well.


Crazy game drafting

Drafting is a new crazy game mode where players get to pick the roles that appear in game right as the game starts. The concept is similar to what you may know from other games, where each player in turn picks a role from a list of four available roles. Players are still assigned roles randomly when the game starts.

Drafting is also available in premium custom games.

Please let us know your thoughts and comments, we would love to hear from you! 😊 Talk to us on Discord at https://discord.gg/wolvesville

Thank you for reading and happy hunting! đŸș