
Development blog

Dark Magic Update

Cyber update banner

Hey guys, Dark Magic Update is here 🥳 Quick summary:

  • New roles: storm wolf and conjuror 😱
  • Many role changes
  • Legendary role icons

Keep reading below for more details. Happy hunting! 🐺

New roles

New roles

Storm wolf (advanced nightmare werewolf): once per game you can shuffle the position of all alive players. Twice per game you can hide the votes of the day voting.

💀 Conjuror (advanced medium): during the discussion phase, select a dead player to convert to their role when the voting phase starts. You will be converted back to a Conjuror at the beginning of the next voting phase.

All 2 roles are available now and can be unlocked via cards.

Role changes

New roles

Sect leader

At night, instead of converting another player to join your sect, you can instead choose to sacrifice one of your members to kill another player.


Select two players to watch every night instead of only one.

Seer apprentice

You receive all previous info when converting into another information role. This allows to you check what e.g. a dead seer has seen previously.


Each night you can select a player to guess if they will die. If you guess right, you gain one extra permanent vote, limited to three additional votes total.


When you mark a player their role will be visible to the werewolves.

Split wolf

You can choose to bind yourself to another player. If you do this, you will count double to the werewolf win condition. If you are killed, your target is killed as well. However, if your target is killed, your role will be revealed to everyone. You can change your bind at any time.


When violinist checks a player if they are mourning the death of a teammate, this now includes teammates that died the previous days and night. This allows violinist to more easily detect team alliances.

Legendary role icons

Legendary role icons

When upgrading a card to legendary you will receive a golden icon for both the base and advanced role! The icon can be used as a regular role icon and will be visible to other players when equipped.

If you previously upgraded to legendary you will automatically receive the icons for these cards.

Other changes

  • Changelog: view the lastest changes directly from within the app (similar to announcements but updated more frequently and more detailed)
  • Calendars have an option to auto-open all available rewards
  • Option to logout of all devices

What do you think of the dark magic update? Please let us know your thoughts and comments, we would love to hear from you! 😊 Talk to us on Discord at https://discord.gg/wolvesville

Thank you for reading and happy hunting! 🐺